


Prescriptions for a Broken System

N. Adam Brown, MD, MBA, offers unique insights into the business of healthcare.

Prescriptions for a Broken System
The Rise of Employee Stock Ownership Plans in Healthcare

A new path for physician practice ownership

July 3, 2024
A photo of a woman looking at a stock on her ipad.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Concierge Medicine: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

Innovative care models should be a tool to enhance quality and equity, not further diminish it

June 7, 2024
A photo of a man tapping on a concierge bell.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Is $10 the Best BetterHelp Could Do for Violating Patient Privacy?

The paltry settlement emphasizes the need for stronger data privacy protections

May 23, 2024
A photo of a ten dollar bill.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Reflecting on Two Decades in Medicine: Advice to New Graduates

Give yourself permission to explore and excel in various aspects of your life and career

May 16, 2024
A photo of college students wearing gowns, gathered for graduation.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Let's Fix Maintenance of Certification

It's time to simplify the process, reduce costs, and eliminate redundancies

April 12, 2024
A photo of a tired looking female physician sitting at a laptop.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Are Regulators Finally Waking Up to the Threat That Is UnitedHealth Group?

Anti-competitive practices harm patients, providers, and the economy

March 9, 2024
A photo of signage outside of the headquarters of UnitedHealth Group in Minnetonka, Minnesota
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Three Tools to Address Health Equity

Data, communication and respect, and private-sector partnerships are key

February 25, 2024
A photo of a mom and daughter walking down a hospital hallway.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Keep a Close Eye on Amazon's Ventures Into Healthcare

The company's endeavors may present a double-edged sword

February 2, 2024
A photo of a man holding a smartphone displaying the Amazon Care logo.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Patients Are Lucky Cigna Dropped Its Plans to Buy Humana

But Washington should prepare now for the next major merger announcement

December 27, 2023
A photo of the Cigna logo on a sign outside the headquarters building in Connecticut.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Would You Take Out a $200k Loan With No Real Returns for a Decade?

The federal government must address medical school affordability

December 11, 2023
A photo of a man holding a stack of $100 bills over printouts of charts and graphs.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Doctor 'Wage Theft' Is Not Without Consequences

Uncompensated time harms healthcare professionals at the very least

November 30, 2023
A photo of a hand pulling a stack of $100 bills from the pocket of a female physician’s coat pocket.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
For Health AI to Fulfill Its Potential, Regulation Is Paramount

There's little value in a tool that can't be trusted

November 4, 2023
A photo of a surgeon interacting with a robot assistant.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Is Private Equity Good for Healthcare?

There are always two sides to any story

October 31, 2023
A photo of a businessman standing on a balcony of a high rise office building.
Prescriptions for a Broken System
Drug Prices Are Too Damn High

It's been a long road to Medicare price negotiation ... and there's still work to be done

September 1, 2023
A photo of a prescription bottle cap on top of a rolled up $100 bill next to two white pills.
More in Prescriptions for a Broken System

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