

Nasal Sprays for Respiratory Infections; Paxlovid in COVID Prevention

— Also in TTHealthWatch: diabetes in kids after COVID

TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey

Latest in Podcasts

MedPod Today: Administrative Harm; GOP-Backed Alternative to IVF? 'Zebra' Stories

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Jul 19, 2024
Do People Buy Into Hospital-at-Home Care?; Nicotine Pouch Use

Also in TTHealthWatch: preventing kidney transplant rejection

Jul 13, 2024
Aspirin Overuse; Biotypes of Depression and Anxiety

Also in TTHealthWatch: medications and the liver, and managing gestational diabetes

Jun 30, 2024
MedPod Today: Abortion Ban Workarounds; Bungled COVID Vax Paper; Texas Doc Indicted

app reporters offer further insights into these recently covered topics

Jun 28, 2024
Aspirin Overuse; Biotypes of Depression and Anxiety

Also in TTHealthWatch: medications and the liver, and managing gestational diabetes

MedPod Today: Abortion Ban Workarounds; Bungled COVID Vax Paper; Texas Doc Indicted

app reporters offer further insights into these recently covered topics

More in Podcasts

Preventing Surgical-Site Infections; Drugs Go Head to Head for Ischemic Stroke

Also in TTHealthWatch: managing obesity in children and adolescents

Jun 22, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
Train Eyes so Myopia Doesn't Get Worse? Nurse Intervention for BP Post-Stroke

Also in TTHealthWatch: cancers subsequent to CAR-T therapy

Jun 15, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
Artery Inflammation and CV Events; Stepped Palliative Care for Lung Cancer Patients

Also in TTHealthWatch: diets and medicine in IBS and active surveillance in prostate cancer

Jun 08, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
MedPod Today: Thumbs Down for MDMA; NEJM Embargo Policy Reversed; 'Margarita Burn'

app reporters offer further insights into these recently covered topics

Jun 07, 2024
MedPod Today over a blue designed background
Hypertension After Kidney Donation; Statins in Old and Very Old People

Also in TTHealthWatch: fluoride's effect on pregnancy outcomes

Jun 01, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
A Life in Medical Innovation and Philanthropy

A discussion with the former CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

May 28, 2024
An illustration of a physician holding a patient's hand with the text The Doctor's Art - A podcast on Meaning in Medicine
GLP-1 Agonists in Adolescents and Young Adults; Benefits of Cancer Drug Trials

Also in TTHealthWatch: early diagnosis and treatment of COPD and asthma

May 25, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
Ultra-Processed Foods and Mortality; Improving Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Also in TTHealthWatch: low testosterone in men and mortality

May 18, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
MedPod Today: RFK Jr.'s Ailments; Tenpenny Gets License Back; Shady Stem Cell Shots

app reporters offer further insights into these recently covered topics

May 17, 2024
MedPod Today over a blue designed background
Leading the Leaders of Medical Education

A conversation with David Skorton, MD, president of the AAMC

May 12, 2024
An illustration of a physician holding a patient's hand with the text The Doctor's Art - A podcast on Meaning in Medicine
Mortality in U.S. Youth; Gene Therapy for Sickle Cell Disease

Also in TTHealthWatch: updated breast cancer screening guidelines

May 11, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
Medicare Drug Price Negotiation; Diagnostic Errors

Also in TTHealthWatch: neomycin for preventing respiratory viral infections

May 04, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
MedPod Today: Bird Flu Rundown; EMTALA at the Supreme Court; NEJM Embargo Changes

app reporters offer further insights into these recently covered topics

May 03, 2024
MedPod Today over a blue designed background
Consequences of Afib; Autism Heritability in Males and Females

Also in TTHealthWatch: antipsychotics and dementia

Apr 27, 2024
TTUHSC EL PASO HEALTHWATCH with their logo and photos of Rick Lange, MD, and Elizabeth Tracey
More in Podcasts